PICTURED: Naked woman's danger dance on 11th floor air conditioning unit

PICTURED: Naked woman's danger dance on 11th floor air conditioning unit

A NAKED woman drew huge crowds after she climbed onto an external air conditioning unit and started DANCING.

NAKED DANGER: The woman was parading around in the nude on the 11th floor of a hotel

The woman, who was high on drugs at the time, climbed out of the window sill of the 11th floor of a posh hotel in southern China.
Police and firemen had gathered to the scene, initially thinking that the woman was about to kill herself by hurling herself to the ground below.

But the huge crowd who had gathered at the hotel were instead treated to the sight of the woman dancing on the small unit.

Police spokesman Shi Wan said: "She showed absolutely no interest in speaking to the negotiators, she also didn't seem particularly suicidal although she was very excitable.

"But it wasn't exactly clear what about."

EYEFUL: Huge crowds gathered to watch the woman dancing on the air conditioning unit [CEN]
An officer inside the bedroom handed the woman a towel to cover herself up and had tried to lure her inside with the promise of food and drink.

After that was rejected, it was the voice of an elderly hotely cleaner that held the key to getting the woman to come back inside.
Shi Wan revealed: "It was clear that we weren't going to get anywhere with the normal method, so we took a step back for a while but then an elderly cleaner came into the room and asked a question and we noticed that the woman seemed to react to her voice.

"So we asked the cleaner to speak to the woman, which seemed to work quite well.

KICKING AND SCREAMING: Police eventually managed to drag the woman inside [CEN]
"It also provided the opportunity for a fireman attached to a rope to approach the window behind the old woman – and then he suddenly grabbed the naked woman."

The naked woman was eventually gragged kicking and screaming to safety.
She had apparently spent the night with a man who had already left before she began her naked parade.
Drugs were found in the room and a urine test later confirmed that the woman had took them.


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