Aileen Wuornos was a sex worker who shot and killed seven male clients, robbing them in the process.

Interview with serial killer Aileen Wuornos. She killed 7 people. Before her execution On October 9, 2002, via lethal injection.

Aileen Wuornos was a sex worker who shot and killed seven male clients, robbing them in the process. Wuornos asserted self-defense, alleging that her clients had raped or attempted to rape her.

She was sentenced to death for six of the murders, and executed on October 9, 2002, via lethal injection.

she had occupied.

In 1986, 30-year-old Wuornos met 24-year-old Tyria Moore, a motel maid, at a Daytona Beach gay bar called Zodiac. They moved in together, and Wuornos supported them with her earnings as a prostitute. On July 4, 1987, Daytona Beach police detained Wuornos and Moore at a bar for questioning regarding an incident in which they were accused of assault and battery with a beer bottle.


On March 12, 1988, Wuornos accused a Daytona Beach bus driver of assault. She claimed that he pushed her off the bus following a confrontation. Moore was listed as a witness to the incident. Later, at her trial, Wuornos stated: "It was love beyond imaginable. Earthly words cannot describe how I felt about Tyria.  Before her execution, Wuornos claimed to still be in love with Moore


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