Naama Levy was described by the Gazan terrorists as 'Sabaya' - meaning sex slave in the Arabic language when used by ISIS-types - before this video was taken.

Naama Levy was described by the Gazan terrorists as 'Sabaya' - meaning sex slave in the Arabic language when used by ISIS-types - before this video was taken.

Now you know the full context for her bloody pants.

She has been their 'sabaya' for 228 days

Naama Levy. is a symbol of what has happened to many Israelis after October 7 and will never be the same. 

Naama, was a peace activist before she went to the IDF as an observer- a non combatant unarmed position.  Today, another video from her kidnapping was published 

Naama was a peaceful loving person. This is her beautiful face before October 7. 

Before the army Naama was a part of “hands of peace” - an activist for peace in an organization with Americans, Israelis and Gazans. She wanted “to hear the other side” 

Most of us remember Naama from this horrific video of her, almost unrecognizable, paraded in the streets of Gaza like a product. Today, another video was released 

This is what she looked like, in Gaza, alone and isolated from the other hostages. Now there was a new video release 

 This new video is with clips from the Go-Pro cameras of the terrorists that the families just agreed to release from those horrible moments on October 7, before they were in Gaza 

In this video Naama, like most of Israelis until October 7, tries to appeal to the terrorists’ humanity and says: “I have friends in Palestine” or at least she thought she has friends that are “Palestinians” and that that would mean something. But they silence her aggressively


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