Aside from “funky town”, the Mexican narco vid where a guy has his hands cut off, his eyes gouged out and his face flayed off with a box cutter

Aside from “funky town”, the Mexican narco vid where a guy has his hands cut off, his eyes gouged out and his face flayed off with a box cutter

Aside from “funky town”, the Mexican narco vid where a guy has his hands cut off, his eyes gouged out and his face flayed off with a box cutter…. It would have to be this one:

It's what it looks like. It dates from the mid 90s and shows the beheading of a young Russian woman, which was most likely done for no reason other than she had served her purpose in the minds of the perpetrators. The other disturbing aspect; my (I shouldn't have to say it, but future) wife, who was 14 at the time, was the only other person there, witnessed the entire event, and never truly recovered from the psychological trauma.

Also, to all of you who have decided it's fake, or bullshit, would you have said the same thing if my answer had been ‘funky town’ or ‘ghost rider’? I realise you're entitled to your opinions, but please bear in mind that by dismissing it as such you're not showing much respect for the girl who died, or for the trauma that my missus had to endure. 

And why the fuck would I post an answer about a video that I found disturbing if I was just making shit up? I have better things to do than get disturbed by imaginary girls being beheaded in imaginary videos, that I probably imagined being shown by my imaginary wife. Get my point?


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