Brutal ‘justice’ of the mob: Mugger is beaten to the floor and burned alive by lynch mob after stealing from people in the street in Caracas

Brutal ‘justice’ of the mob: Mugger is beaten to the floor and burned alive by lynch mob after stealing from people in the street in Caracas

Alleged thief was beaten up and set alight by a mob in Venezuela. 'Mugger' Roberto Fuentes Bernal, 42, suffered 70 per cent burns . The incident was filmed by a witness, showing the horrific lynching 


An alleged thief suffered the most brutal mob justice in Caracas, Venezuela, when he was beaten up and burned alive in the street.
Roberto Fuentes Bernal, 42, was reportedly caught trying to mug passersby in the Venezuelan capital, and before police arrived at the scene, the crowd took the law into their own hands.


A video of the incident shows Bernal, dressed in white, lying on the street and bleeding from his head as a crowd stands around him.

Shocking footage shows suspected thief set on fire by mob.


  The back of his shirt is covered in blood, and he has a large gash in the back of his skull.
Suddenly, a man standing over him pours a clear liquid over his, as a second man sets it alight.
Bernal is instantly engulfed in flames, and the crowd quickly disperses as he burns in the street.

Bernal is seen writhing in agony, before a witness throws what appears to be an advertisement board on him to put out the fire.
As the flammable liquid burns out, Bernal attempts to stand up, his head still aflame, while dozens of people stand idly around him without lifting a finger.

The video ends as another witness uses his jacket to put out the fire, while a third person throws water on him. Local media reports that Bernal was taken to a nearby hospital and is receiving treatment for burns covering 70 per cent of his body.

One witness said Bernal had been caught trying to rob a man as he left a nearby bank, while another version of the story has Bernal arguing with his wife in the street. 


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