Maniac who stabbed nine children to death in China is executed by firing squad

Maniac who stabbed nine children to death in China is executed by firing squad

Villagers crowded along a Chinese road to watch police cars escort killer Zhao Zewei to an execution ground

A CHINESE man who stabbed nine school children to death has been executed by firing squad.

Zhao Zewei received the death sentence after being convicted of intentional homicide for the lethal knife attack which also saw him injure 11 other pupils.

The execution was carried out in the Mizhi county of Shaanxi yesterday, according to a statement from the Yulin City Intermediate Court.
Zhao, 28, had not appealed against the death sentence after it was approved by China's Supreme Court.
He reportedly took knives into his former middle school in April to carry out revenge for bullying.

Zhao launched the vicious attack in Mizhi count, north-western China, to vent his anger over being tormented while a pupil there, a court statement said.
But his motives for depriving others of life were "despicable" and the methods were especially cruel, the court said.

Villagers crowded along the side of the road to watch police cars escort Zhao to Mizhi County’s execution ground, according to MailOnline.
Video footage released by Sina News appeared to show police officers waiting on grassland, behind a cordoned-off area.

Violent crime is rarer in China than many other countries, due in part to strict gun controls and tight security in major cities.

Recent years have seen a series of knife and axe attacks, however, including one this year in Beijing.
China does not release official figures for the number of people it executes every year.
But rights groups estimate that more people are executed there annually than in all other countries combined.


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